Monday 5 September 2011

House vs Home

What makes a house a home?

Is it the little knick knacks collected over the years or the candid family photos scattered around? Is those small creature comforts that make life a little simpler or those special items passed down the generations? Is it faultless presentation and attention to detail or a space that is spotlessly clean?

My method of styling is based upon the principle that a house should be a retreat from the world. A sanctuary with a peaceful atmosphere. This is my definition of a home.

Whether it be cluttered to the point of hoarding, or minimilist to the extreme, one should surround ones self with items that bring joy. Whether it be pretty candle holders, whimsical nightwear, or my pets, surrounding myself with beautiful things make me happy.

What do you consider as essential to make a house, a home?

1 comment:

  1. When hubby is in the house, it always feels like home. When it comes to knick-knacks... the ones that remind me of mum and dad - they are the most important ones and make it feel like home.
    Oh and the fact that I can roam around naked and dance a little to 'footloose' around the house - now that's what I call home.
