Monday 5 September 2011

House vs Home

What makes a house a home?

Is it the little knick knacks collected over the years or the candid family photos scattered around? Is those small creature comforts that make life a little simpler or those special items passed down the generations? Is it faultless presentation and attention to detail or a space that is spotlessly clean?

My method of styling is based upon the principle that a house should be a retreat from the world. A sanctuary with a peaceful atmosphere. This is my definition of a home.

Whether it be cluttered to the point of hoarding, or minimilist to the extreme, one should surround ones self with items that bring joy. Whether it be pretty candle holders, whimsical nightwear, or my pets, surrounding myself with beautiful things make me happy.

What do you consider as essential to make a house, a home?

Monday 29 August 2011

From My Heart to Yours...

In my wonderful adventures around our lovely city it has become increasingly clear as to how far the "throw away" mentality extends in our society.

I cannot deny this has not lead to my gain - with all the lovely light fittings, vintage suitcases, books - that have come into my possession.

It saddens me this attitude is beginning to extend to our animal friends as well. A quick peek at any rescue website or online classifieds will demonstrate how widespread this problem is. From animals that are abandoned when moving house, to people who fail to consider children in the process of adoption, to others who cannot be bothered putting in the effort into training and maintaining good behaviour. Click here to find an interesting article on this very issue.

Recently my significant other and I made the decision to foster animals that have been abused and abandoned while they are waiting to be re-homed. We currently have two feral female kittens in our care that have never known love, positive human contact, or enough to eat. It breaks my heart to think of how hard a start in life they have endured.

I understand that drastic changes in circumstance cannot be prevented. I also acknowledge there are animal lovers out there who are willing to put themselves out for the benefit of their pets.

However I beg you to consider the ramifications of owning an animal for 20+ years before buying one. I ask that you think before supporting backyard breeders. I plead with you to sterilise your pets - there are organisations out there that will help with the cost if you are financially unable to do so or who can refer you to a vet that does not grossly over-charge.

From my foster and forever furkids to your future ones.

I'm Baaaack!

Due to unending problems with V-fail, I have been unable to update my blog until now!

So please...check back soon for new and exciting posts :)

Tuesday 3 May 2011

The Big Spoon

A few months ago I stumbled upon this spoon in an op-shop:

Imagine my surprise when I turned it over to find it was solid silver!

The spoon is stamped with 'Italia' and 'Argento' (silver in Italian). Also the spoon is rather tarnished so the writing on the back is very difficult to see.

The best part? It only cost $2!

Needless to say I snapped it up immediately.

Thursday 28 April 2011

Organise Me Please

I have spend the last few days deciding how best to organise the house and my collection of assorted treasures. The goal is to stay on top of the housework and not end up on an episode of Hoaders in the foreseeable future.

The plan of attack is:

*Have overhead cupboards installed in the kitchen with lovely glass doors so I can display my gorgeous china/crystal collections. Unfortunately having an open-plan house means there is no wall for a china cabinet to stand against however moving my beautiful collections into the kitchen will free up the...

*The linen closet! Yes this is packed full of china and not linen. The linen is sitting in the master bedroom wardrobe along with clothes everywhere but..

*We purchase two very basic and very boring chest of drawers (thanks to Fred for sorting this for me while I was at work the other day) for our walk-in wardrobe to replace our walk-on wardrobe. This will allow me to fold the massive washing pile sitting on the spare bed which means...

*The guest room gets a makeover! As I can move the guest items out of spare room two which will be turned into...

* A craft studio! Where I can finally tackle my growing list of projects that are sitting in garage which will allow me to...

*Clean the garage and park my car inside.

Exciting times ahead!

I Heart Vintage!

I have been so short on time that my favorite hobby (treasure hunting) has fallen by the wayside. A shame really as the last time I went (about three weeks ago) was a very successful trip.

Funnily enough I seem to attract light fittings. On this particular trip I found FIVE. Two chandeliers and three outdoor light fittings. Zia and I shared the chandeliers however I kept the coach lights as the colour and style match the frontage of our house perfectly:

This vintage fan was in good shape - albeit missing an electrical cord - but I had to have it. Besides Fred thinks it is easily fixed:

The gods of vintage were smiling on me this day as I found the most gorgeous hatbox in a front yard. Luckily it was dark when I grabbed this as I *shamefully* had to sneak to the back of the pile:

And for the most random item of all? A french puzzle!

Free and vintage and French? Yes please!

Tuesday 19 April 2011

In Search of Perfection

If you happened to ask my significant other what he considers my most irritating quirk to be he would most certainly refer to my unfortunate habit of purchasing an item that I already own purely for the reason that the item is nicer/better/prettier than the one I own.

I will freely admit that I will purchase any household item purely for the reason that I find it pretty. Whether I need it or not. Usually it is not.

Hence the issue of multiples of the same items beginning to emerge.

 My list of shame:

*Bedside tables twice over - the first ones required re-painting to match the bedhead I bought for the master bedroom. Then I decided I could not be bothered so I purchased the matching ones instead. The first set are currently sitting in the guest room and I intend to paint them to match the bed frame in there.

*Bedside lamps twice over - the first set were from Target. A local lighting place happened to have a sale and I saw ones I liked better. End of story. I fully intend to put the first set in the guest room.

*Mirrors - I found a beautiful mirror second hand. Then I found the same mirror second hand but in a cream colour frame instead of a bronze. The cream one is currently in the bedroom and the bronze in the entry way.

*Dinner sets - Every time I see a pretty pattern I have to buy it.

* Wall-mounted water fountains - I bought one that I liked but not a great deal because I wanted one inside. Then I saw another one that I fully intended to put outside. For all of five minutes anyway. Hell I had no intention to put it outside. I just told Fred I did.

*Placemats - God only knows why I have the strange compulsion to buy every pretty one I see. I own at least seven or eight sets.

*Birdcages (the decorative kind) - I LOVE birdcages. I bought one a year ago. Then I found a pair and bought those too because I felt these would suit the house more. I was right.

*Black cats - strictly not a household item but I felt sorry for Voltaire so I bought him a playmate.

*Candles - as far as I am concerned there can never be too many!

*Candle holders - I believe Fred asked me to promise him I would not buy any more at one stage. My bad for breaking that after all of five minutes.

My motto is that if it's not perfect it's not worth having. Therefore how can I be blamed for buying things that would look even better than the old ones?