Thursday 28 April 2011

Organise Me Please

I have spend the last few days deciding how best to organise the house and my collection of assorted treasures. The goal is to stay on top of the housework and not end up on an episode of Hoaders in the foreseeable future.

The plan of attack is:

*Have overhead cupboards installed in the kitchen with lovely glass doors so I can display my gorgeous china/crystal collections. Unfortunately having an open-plan house means there is no wall for a china cabinet to stand against however moving my beautiful collections into the kitchen will free up the...

*The linen closet! Yes this is packed full of china and not linen. The linen is sitting in the master bedroom wardrobe along with clothes everywhere but..

*We purchase two very basic and very boring chest of drawers (thanks to Fred for sorting this for me while I was at work the other day) for our walk-in wardrobe to replace our walk-on wardrobe. This will allow me to fold the massive washing pile sitting on the spare bed which means...

*The guest room gets a makeover! As I can move the guest items out of spare room two which will be turned into...

* A craft studio! Where I can finally tackle my growing list of projects that are sitting in garage which will allow me to...

*Clean the garage and park my car inside.

Exciting times ahead!


  1. You have walls in the house...
    What you really mean is 'I don't want to move anything to put the china cabinet in its place.'

    Anyhoooo... yes exciting times for sure! :)

  2. Hey that knitting I left at your house wasn't a swatch... it's one of the socks I'm making!!!!
    Please keep it safe? TA so much. X
