Tuesday 19 April 2011

In Search of Perfection

If you happened to ask my significant other what he considers my most irritating quirk to be he would most certainly refer to my unfortunate habit of purchasing an item that I already own purely for the reason that the item is nicer/better/prettier than the one I own.

I will freely admit that I will purchase any household item purely for the reason that I find it pretty. Whether I need it or not. Usually it is not.

Hence the issue of multiples of the same items beginning to emerge.

 My list of shame:

*Bedside tables twice over - the first ones required re-painting to match the bedhead I bought for the master bedroom. Then I decided I could not be bothered so I purchased the matching ones instead. The first set are currently sitting in the guest room and I intend to paint them to match the bed frame in there.

*Bedside lamps twice over - the first set were from Target. A local lighting place happened to have a sale and I saw ones I liked better. End of story. I fully intend to put the first set in the guest room.

*Mirrors - I found a beautiful mirror second hand. Then I found the same mirror second hand but in a cream colour frame instead of a bronze. The cream one is currently in the bedroom and the bronze in the entry way.

*Dinner sets - Every time I see a pretty pattern I have to buy it.

* Wall-mounted water fountains - I bought one that I liked but not a great deal because I wanted one inside. Then I saw another one that I fully intended to put outside. For all of five minutes anyway. Hell I had no intention to put it outside. I just told Fred I did.

*Placemats - God only knows why I have the strange compulsion to buy every pretty one I see. I own at least seven or eight sets.

*Birdcages (the decorative kind) - I LOVE birdcages. I bought one a year ago. Then I found a pair and bought those too because I felt these would suit the house more. I was right.

*Black cats - strictly not a household item but I felt sorry for Voltaire so I bought him a playmate.

*Candles - as far as I am concerned there can never be too many!

*Candle holders - I believe Fred asked me to promise him I would not buy any more at one stage. My bad for breaking that after all of five minutes.

My motto is that if it's not perfect it's not worth having. Therefore how can I be blamed for buying things that would look even better than the old ones?

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