Tuesday 29 March 2011

Beware of the Black Cat(s)

I would like to formally introduce my beautiful kitties to the land of blog.

My darling Voltaire:

Voltaire is a sweet natured, placid cat who is approximately one year old. He is very affectionate and well-behaved. He has been recenly diagnosed with IBD and it has been a long arduous journey to find out what is causing the problem and how to best treat it.

The adorable Spider-cat:

Spider-cat is the cheekiest, smartest, most inquisitive kitten I have ever met. He is approximately eight months old. He is so affectionate that he will wake me up at all hours of the night trying to rub his head on my face while purring in my ear. He has taught hinself to fetch. He also used this as a ladder to get up onto the bench from the day we bought him home:

(He was too little to jump so high at the time - bless!)

Fred has put him on the ceiling and sang the Spider-pig song from the Simpsons movie. Except, of course, it has been changed to cat.

Both of my furry babies were dumped and we adopted them both from the same local vet clinic. Voltaire was an older kitten when found and as such no one wanted him which broke my heart.

Spider-cat was found in a local park winter last year. He was little more than four weeks old.

Black cats are the hardest to re-home as many people seem to think they are unlucky. A shame really as black cats have the sweetest natures and are really very clever.

May I say how sickened I am by the heartless cruelty perpetrated by humankind towards animals. On the bright side they now have a happy comfortable home with almost every whim catered to and lots of love and affection.

From the albeit crappy quality photos I have posted it is easy to see that the colour scheme of the house is neutral. Big mistake. Black cats and pale colour schemes do NOT go together so well. Especially at coat-shedding time:

(One of the decorative cushions from the master bedroom)

I wouldn't have it any other way.


  1. Aaawwwwww. :)

    Hey good to see you found the reaction buttons! Where were they hiding?

  2. Can see by that picture Voltaire has lost weight since I last saw him. As for Spider-Cat i swear one day he is will push me to the limit and i'm gonna duct tape him to a wall or the kitchen bulkhead lol

  3. Poor Spider-cat :( He is so sweet he keeps bringing me his toys to throw for him. I can't help it if I am his favorite!
