Thursday 24 March 2011

Vintage Luggage: A Curious Obsession

I have a confession to make. I adore vintage luggage. I love the look. I love the feel. I love the whiff of far flung adventure and the musty odor of a life well lived. And not just any vintage luggage will do. It has to be the old sturdy cardboard suitcase that all seem to have the varying shades of  the same green pattern.

At the moment I have three suitcases in different sizes. The largest I found in a dingy second hand store with no EFTPOS facilitlies. I had to borrow the measly $10 from my sister because I was desperate to have it.

The medium sized one belonged to my fiance's late father. It came out to Australia many years ago when his family immigrated here. We found this in his mothers shed being used to store old wire coathangers. And I loved the idea of using this family heirloom (of sorts) as decoration in our home. This was the first in the collection (and the start of my obsession).

The smallest suitcase is more of an overnight one. It is square rather than rectangle like the others. I found this yesterday on the side of the road awaiting the council pick up. Why anyone would throw this out I will never know! Especially when I have seen similiar for sale at the local vintage markets for the pricey sum of $50!!!

Strangely enough I detest flying and I will freely admit to being a neurotic traveller. I love the idea of exploring what the world has to offer. However take me out of my comfort zone and I tend to freak! But there is something about vintage luggage that makes me sad. Is it the idea that most of these suitcases have been tossed in a corner well forgotten? Or that the previous owners are no longer around to tell the amazing stories?


  1. "I love the whiff of far flung adventure and the musty odor of a life well lived."
    Oh so Très chic!
