Monday 28 March 2011

The Three R's

I am a firm believer in recycling, reusing, and re-purposing.

Admittedly I am almost obsessive about sorting out the garbage to ensure every single item that can possibly be recycled, is. Lecturing (for lack of a better word) those who mix up the rubbish in my specially purchased dual bin has been known to happen in this household.

Therefore it never ceases to amaze me how wasteful people can be! No matter though as wastefulness/lack of creativity/laziness = my gain. And what a spectacular gain it has been! Especially where the ceilings of my home are concerned.

This lovely light fixure is presiding over the entry way:

This amazing one is awaiting installation over the dining table:

(I have been debating whether or not to paint the gold to match the one in the entry way.)

Recycled? Tick! Re-used? Tick! Suits my style asthetic? Tick! The added bonus? I did not pay a cent courtesy of the local curbside collection!

It takes a healthy dose of courage. A willingness to follow some simple ettiquette. A keen eye. The ability to see items not for what they are but what they can be. Most importantly, a sense of humor, wet wipes/anti-bacterial gel and a down to earth companion.

There are many out there who will laugh and make snide comments. However I smile, nod, and comfort myself with the thought that I have awesome stuff and they haven't. I am serene in the knowledge I am upholding my personal values.

And that, in my humble opinion, is well worth the fleeting embarrassment.

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