Thursday 7 April 2011

Can I Borrow Your Cleaning Fairy?

House Cleaning.

One of the very few things that puts the fear of God into me - amongst spiders, moths, and my Nonna coming to visit.

I am not a filthy person. Untidy at times I will admit. I am a very house proud person and cannot bear the idea of anyone entering my home when not in a pristine state. I find it distressing to have my house judged and score poorly.

I am happy to scrub, vacuum, do the washing, etc but at the moment I cannot seem to get on top of the every day things like putting away the clean dishes and putting away the clean washing. Possibly this is due to a lack of motivation and pure exhaustion. 

I have been tossing around the idea of hiring a cleaner. Temporarily. Until I can get myself organised and into a routine that works for me and Fred (which I am not having much success with at this point).

A waste of money? Maybe. Potentially encouraging laziness? You could say that. Do I care what snide comments people may (and will) say? Honestly...not all that much.


  1. I was gonna give you this long winded speech about why you shouldn't / should, mustn't / must and my boring opinion on it all.... but I realized at the last minute that at the end of the day, the choice is all yours and has nothing to do with anybody else. X

  2. If you hired a cleaner you would end up cleaning before they came anyway out of embarrassment.

  3. il mio piccolo tesoro: Please do I like to invite discussion and suggestions on how to manage because at the moment I'm not.

    Strangejuice: I know that is what everyone says maybe that would be enough motivation?
