Sunday 3 April 2011

Dedicated to Mike

After an eventful day of curb crawling, lunching, and the like I arrived home very tired and ready for bed.

But no such luck.

Twenty minutes after I get home (eleven p.m.) the door bell rings. Who should I find on my door step but my sister, her husband, and a mutual friend of ours - Mike (check out his blog here)

After a few mintues of drinking, relaxing and laughing Mike decided he wanted to visit the mecca of cheap 24-hour grocery shopping - Spud Shed - for a kilo of prunes. And off we went.

A kilo of prunes consumed during the car trip home and a few minutes later, I currently have two very relaxed boys on the couch about to fall asleep.

As long as the effects don't hit whilst they are here...


  1. I dont wear brown corduroys for nothing!

  2. I wondered why you were wearing those haha

  3. It's all fun and games until someone eats prunes!! haha
