Wednesday 13 April 2011

Pretty, Please!!! (Updated)

Pretty things make me happy.

I believe practical and pretty can happily co-exist. I cannot fathom why any item has to be purely functional.

Surely I am not the only person who thinks this?

I found these lovely cups and saucers while op-shopping with Zia a few months ago:

At the moment this set is in storage until I find a china/display cabinet I like. I did purchase these with every intent to use them as, well, why shouldn't I feel like a queen sipping my tea from a gorgeous cup?

And to complete the experience a delicious macaroon from this pretty cookbook would suffice:

I purchased this a few months ago after searching high and low for months. Sadly there was an unfortunate incident involving Fred, the book, and water. I was rather upset to say the least but life moves on and I forgot about it. A few days ago a package appeared in my mailbox with this message:

Fred found the same book online, had it gift wrapped and sent to me to replace the wrecked (albeit the damage was superficial) copy.

Love is a pretty thing indeed.

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