Sunday 3 April 2011

Handcrafted but not forgotten...

Browsing through markets, op-shops, and the like it disheartens me to see handcrafted items jumbled together without a thought for the care and effort that went into the making.

For some reason unbeknownst to me I find it especially saddening to see pretty stoneware languishing on the shelf. This leads to a compulsion to buy it. Which leads to the item languishing in my linen cupboard that is currently moonlighting as a china cabinet.

This recently caught my eye at an op-shop:

While I have absolutely no need for it...I felt guilty walking away. It has been sitting in my pantry for over a month as I had nowhere to store it. The little strainer I found at the same place however I had absolutely no idea I had purchased it until I photographed the server (I found it inside).

I found this little platter at yet another op-shop:

Strange how the pattern is very similar yet it is cute nonetheless!

This decorative plate was pointed out to me by my mum (Hi mum!) in another op-shop a few months ago:

Funnily enough I found the exact same plate in a different colour for sale in a homewares store for ten times the price. I also have this stored away for the time being until I can find a place to display it.

At this moment I cannot think of anything handcrafted that I have purchased new. However I have an amazing amount of items that have been made especially for me.

I have some beautiful pieces of furniture made by my Nonno. I have amazing doilies and jumpers created by my Nonna. My mum has made countless crafts over the years for me and my sister. I also have some adorable knitted slippers and a very chic beret knitted by Patrizia. I have shawls knitted by another Aunt. I have toys that my sister made for me whilst she was still at school. Hell even my cats get into the act with making what they make (although that is not nearly as appreciated).

I am so blessed to have such creativity in my family. Maybe the appreciation of something "handcrafted" is so deeply ingrained into me that I cannot help but feel sad the blood, sweat, and tears that went into the making of something can be so carelessly forgotten.


  1. They were all enjoyed by someones Nanna at some time =P - Mike
