Sunday 10 April 2011

An Ode to Tables

I love tables.

In fact, I like any surface that can be used as a table. Yet another reason why I love vintage suitcases - see Vintage Luggage: A Curious Obsession

Why the overwhelming love for tables? I would hazard a guess it is due to the fact that I have so many objects d'art (or dust collectors or stuff or crap - whichever takes your fancy) to display. And an elevated flat surface is an efficient way to do so.

This table was a freebie find that happened to cross my path a couple of months ago:

The door knobs were missing however a quick trip to the local hardware store was enough to remedy the situation. It is rather study and seems to be a few years old. The paint work is battered however it leads the table a shabby charm so I decided to leave it as is. It is currently sitting in the entry way.

This side table was another recycled freebie:

As far as I can ascertain it is at least twenty to thirty years old and made very well. No chipboard or MDF here! The paint work is almost pristine and the door knobs (surprisingly) were still attached.

Who says that side tables are only for the bedroom?

I like to think these side tables were presents from the recycling fairies or some good karma had I due my way from doing my best to re-use, re-vamp, and recycle.

There is, of course, a LOT of new things in our home. I will post about them as the house becomes more finished.